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Tips For Avoiding Fall Offs and No-Shows

Truck Driver Recruiting Tips

Nothing more frustrating than working with a driver, getting them committed to the job, running their background reports, adding them to the orientation list, then getting their travel scheduled only to never hearing from them again — being ghosted.

There are some things you and your recruiting team can do to decrease no-show rates.

Communication. Communication. Communication. A recruiting team’s job is not done once the driver is on the schedule for orientation. Multiple checkpoints are required until the driver shows up for his or her scheduled orientation date.

Remember: when a driver commits to your orientation, he/she has likely committed to three other orientations. What you do will make a difference in whether that driver chooses YOU or another company. It’s all about building relationships and trust.  

Ways to prevent fall offs and no-shows

You or your team should have a minimum check-in of two times weekly. This can be done via text or phone call. Actual contact must be made with the driver; voicemails do not count as a contact. With the EBE ATS, you can pre-schedule communications via text or email.

If you schedule drug tests and physicals prior to orientation, ensure the driver has completed these tasks.

If your company sends offer letters, ensure the driver has signed the offer letter and returned it. For retention purposes, we recommend you list the drivers pay, operating lanes, and anticipated home time.

Driver profile forms are a great way to learn whether or not you’re a good fit for the drivers’ needs. These forms should ask drivers how many miles they want to run per week, how much money they need to make weekly, how often they need to be home, and what areas or states they won’t run. Send these prior to the driver coming onboard and ensure the driver completes the form and send it back to the recruiting team.

The EBE ATS has custom form functionality that allows you to send offer letters and profile forms directly to the driver through the ATS. The driver can then digitally sign the offer letter and fill out the profile form and send it back.

After travel is scheduled, call to confirm the driver has received his or her travel information. Ensure the driver has a ride to the airport/bus station/train station or to pick up the rental car.

When possible, call or text the driver the day of travel to ensure there are no issues with their pre-scheduled travel.

Lastly, send detailed orientation letters welcoming the driver and letting them know what to expect during orientation. Details should include addresses for travel, hotel, and terminal location; orientation start and end dates and times; what to expect each day of orientation; information about the truck seating or selection process; your orientation agenda; and how to contact you regarding travel issues or a need to reschedule. At the end of the email, ask the driver to reply to the email confirming they’ve received the information.

Red Flags (Drivers at risk of fall off or no-show) 

If driver’s exhibit two or more of these behaviors, they might be a no-show risk.

  • Intermittent communication or multiple days of ghosting and chasing the driver down. 
  • No completed drug test 
  • No completed offer letter 
  • No completed Driver Profile sheet 
  • More than 2 attempts at scheduling travel or late to schedule travel (having to “chase down the driver to schedule travel) 
  • Previous rescheduling of orientation (these are ones to watch closely!) 
  • No contact the day of travel 
  • Spotty work history 
  • Multiple previous application approvals  

No company wants to be ghosted by a driver, but if you stay in communication with them, your chances of being no-showed will decrease significantly.

After all, you spend a lot of money to get drivers to apply; don’t lose them after you’ve gotten them through the process and increase your cost per hire. If you’re a recruiting leader and your team has high no-show rates, consider instituting a Recruiter Score Card and add a no-show rating as one of your performance KPIs.

Happy Recruiting!

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