Accounting Automation

Excel beyond billing and settlements. Advance your accounting methods through work by exception management.
Don't Let Manual Processes
Slow You Down!
Manual processes are expensive and prone to errors when meeting demands for shipment information. Instead, access one single view of data by merging multiple platforms through real-time automation.

With EBE’s Billing & Accounting Solution, you can dynamically sort information, identify exceptions, and complete in-standard transactions automatically using cross-platform visibility.
Person on phone in front of a computer.
Sort Information Icon

Search Icon - Magnifying Glass
Check mark inside a triangle
Cross Platform Icon

Configured to Your Needs

Optimize productivity and elevate your digital experience with the following Configurable Solutions

Accounts Payable

Reduce invoice conflict and streamline the invoice approval process.

Accounts Payable

  • Automatic payment pending alerts
  • Full integration into your accounting system
  • Missing PO invoices sent into workflow for approval

Billing Workflow

Automates activities traditionally performed by your billing staff by using RPA.

Billing Workflow

  • Review status within dispatch
  • Confirmation of invoice and document submission
  • Seamless integration with dispatch and accounting systems
  • Automatic flagging of out-of-standard transactions

Carrier Settlement

Reduce invoice conflict and streamline the invoice approval process.

Carrier Settlement

  • Inspects documents to confirm their completion
  • Missing documents automatically suspend the settlement process
  • Promotes accurate and timely settlements

Driver Settlement

Monitors a driver’s reimbursement status and will alert the driver of their eligibility or missing paperwork.

Driver Settlement

  • Avoid double entries
  • Record payments against multiple settlements
  • Auto monitor for supporting documents

Immediate POD Notification

Monitors carrier's dispatch for code-based document delivery.

Immediate POD Notification

  • Visibility from the sale to the final mile
  • Keep in the loop with automated notifications
  • Updates in near real time

Invoice Resolution

Monitors the cash applied within the carrier's accounting system. If the invoice is underpaid or overpaid, the resolution staff are alerted.

Invoice Resolution

  • Immediate payment
  • Fast notice of invoices needing resolution
  • Reduced inaccuracy of invoices

RPA & Integration:

Do More With Less
EBE streamlines core accounting processes through RPA. Routine activities are automated, creating manage by exception functionality.

By eliminating repetitive tasks, your team of professionals are now free to utilize their skill set, increasing job satisfaction, and providing consistency in billing & accounting.

Explore More Solutions

Contact us to learn how our configurable solutions can help you.
Search Icon with Clock


Monitor the aging report within a carrier's accounting system.

Contract Management

Contract Management

Manage the expiration of contracts for both shippers and suppliers.
Computer Screen Icon with Search Icon on the screen.

Dispatch Interface

Monitor both dispatch status and trip data.
Truck icon with a location marker icon on top.

Internet Tracking Portal

Tracks GPS location of a truck through seamless integration into dispatch.

Success Stories

EBE is a leader in the transportation industry and trusted by over 650 customers.
JA Logistics Logo
Saved 1.5 hours of daily staff time by reducing manual data entry.
Nu-Way Logo
Increased staff productivity by less time spent approving invoices.
Bulk Transit Corporation Logo
Decreased collections process staff hours by 81%.
Texas Transeastern Logo
Increased productivity by accelerating invoicing by 24 hours.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Content Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming business, including content management. Transportation companies can benefit from AI-supported workflow solutions to electronically manage the influx of documents and data they generate. This white paper will examine the popularity of AI-based systems and the costs of using traditional applications.
The Impact Of AI Book Cover

Integration Partners

EBE solutions fully integrate with other platforms.
Contact Us
Safety Mindset - Safety and Compliance White Paper Cover Image.
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What Drivers Want - Recruiting and Onboarding White Paper Cover.
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Back Office Automation Made Possible White Paper Cover Image
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EBE Mobile Capture White Paper Cover Image.
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The Impact Of AI Book Cover
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