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Advantages of an Open Mobile Platform

Advantages of an Open Mobile Platform

With so much focus on technology to support driver recruiting and retention efforts, it’s natural for carriers to explore investments that provide the most value throughout the organization. Look no further than the Fleet Communications platform and its move from the traditional tethered solutions to untethered solutions. As this transition continues, the technology platform (or operating system) becomes less proprietary and far more open and flexible. Carriers can now leverage the Android or iOS platforms to control the tools available to the driver – and more efficiently do business and control costs.

Point, Click and Profit

With the migration to more open operating systems, carriers can now choose the third-party applications that best fit their drivers’ needs and make their daily activities more efficient. As these devices and applications evolve, drivers can simply point and click their way through their daily tasks.

Whether it’s completing the driver’s daily vehicle inspection report (DVIR), logging Hours of Service (HOS), or submitting trip documents more efficiently, an open mobile platform is simply better. Now a driver can have a single interface that places all the applications they interact with at their fingertips. For example, drivers can use their mobile device to accomplish the following tasks:

  • use a mobile capture application to capture trip documents or claims photos
  • access their fuel network
  • see routing information
  • view training videos
  • communicate with their managers 

All of this means a better driver experience, improved customer service and more profit at the end of the day.

The Future of Technology is Open

When a platform is closed or proprietary it can be costly and lack flexibility. Closed platforms make interacting with the data difficult. But with today’s open platforms, data is much more accessible and collaborative, and integration with complimentary applications is easily facilitated – all of which means more control for you and your drivers. When you control the platform, you control the costs. Open platforms mean you select which applications best fit your business and your drivers.

Much like our smartphones have changed the way we go about our daily lives, the connected driver utilizing an open interface will change how drivers interact with data, communicate with the home office and perform their tasks more efficiently and consistently.

The value of the open platform is driving the adoption of mobile capture technology, and new apps and opportunities will be more available – and have more impact – as industry partners develop the tools that carriers need and drivers want to use. To learn more about EBE’s Connect Mobile Capture application and how it leverages today’s open platforms, visit www.ebeships.com or call 800.447.0612.

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